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  Textbook Of Craniofacial Growth 1st Edition

Textbook Of Craniofacial Growth 1St Edition

by Prem Kumar

  Price : Rs 1750.00
  Your Price : Rs 1400.00
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  Textbook of Craniofacial Growth is a one stop guide to craniofacial growth and development, for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. The book begins with the basics “ biology of bone and cartilage, physiology of bone and craniofacial growth and development. Assisted by comprehensive flow charts and well-illustrated diagrams, the text then examines control mechanisms, development of dentition, temporomandibular joint, mycology, neuromuscular reflexes and the maturation of orofacial functions. Craniofacial anomalies and the influence of genetics on growth are also discussed, guiding students through normal versus subnormal growth.

Key Feature

A concise book that seeks to provide a one-stop knowledge bank for both undergraduate and postgraduate students in comprehending craniofacial growth and development. The whole text has been divided into 21 chapters, starting from the developmen of bone and cartilage till the etiology of developmental and acquired deformities.
Also presents information on soft tissue growth and emotional growth for the first time for dental students. Offers exhaustive reviews of growth in adolescence and beyond predictions, rotations, patterns in varying skeletal types and how it contributes to stability in orthodontic treatment.
Written in simple language with illustrations providing reference listings for further reading.
Presents a sequential approach of presenting facts and easy location of key information under specific titles. ISBN 9789350251829

Pages : 377
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