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  Astro Remedies: A Vedic Approach

Astro Remedies: A Vedic Approach

by Raj Kumar

  Price : Rs 350.00
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  A native suffers or enjoys (with the former having a dominant part) in life as per his prarbdha/destiny. Astrology does indicate what one has to endure and what one can overcome. Whereas great strides have been taken and wonderful results obtained regarding influence of planets, both benefic & malefic, on human beings, the same can not be said about finding out the remedies for their malefic results. Each remedy is basically a prayer to the Almighty to bail the native out of a difficult situation. It is our Kartvya Karma as part of Prarbdha/Kiryaman Karma to observe remedial actions to keep our body and mind healthy.
In a horoscope, destiny/luck is indicated by 9th house and 3rd house represents Purshartha, the free will or Kiryaman Karma, done with a strong will & belief to smoothen the path of destiny. The life or the path of human development is a story of constant struggle between the destiny and Purshartha/remedies, with dices heavily decked against the later. The success of the remedies rests upon the strong will, belief & faith one has in the remedy and one`s total unconditional surrender before the relevant deity. There are various modes of remedies, one can chose from depending on his faith/belief, like colour therapy & Gems, Mantra, Yantra, Tantra & Rudraksh, bath, fast & charity, propitiation of curses and age old folk treatments of Lal Kitab.All these have been covered in this book as an aide-memoire to a native in his fight against misfortune. ISBN 8170820901

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