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  The Daughters of Joy

The Daughters Of Joy

by Deepak Chopra

  Price : Rs 299.00
  Your Price : Rs 239.20
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  Jess Conover has been feeling jumpy, but he doesnt know why. His life as a young writer in Boston has had its ordinary share of happiness and pain. Yet something infinite and unnamable must have been watching, because one Sunday morning it sends him a message, disguised as a cryptic classified ad in the newspaper: Love has found you. Tell no one, just come. Although Jess has protected his heart all his life, he instantly knows that the message is meant for him. He finds himself driving north through a blizzard toward an encounter with a secret mystery school hidden from the modern world and run entirely by women, who call themselves the Daughters of Joy.

His initiation into the deepest of mysteries love and its power to transform begins when he sets eyes on a willowy beauty named Elena. Together they journey into the subtle world that lies behind the world of the senses, a realm where the soul reigns and every yearning is fulfilled. Jess spiritual. ISBN-9789381431481

Pages : 256
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