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  A Course in Statistics with R

A Course In Statistics With R

by Prabhanjan Tattar, Suresh Ramaiah, B. G. Manjunath

  Price : Rs 320.00
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  A COURSE IN STATISTICS WITH R offers a comprehensive course in Statistics at the masters level. R is emerging as the computational language of the Statistics community and we have embedded it as the grammar of the book. We begin with the basic functions and then use the software in cleaning and preparing the available data sets in a "ready-form" for statistical inference. Probability Models and Statistical Inference (including estimation and testing hypotheses) are deliberated in a way which will streamline understanding of the theory and its nuances. Linear models, Design of Experiments, Multivariate Statistics, Sampling Theory, Categorical Data Analysis, and Generalized Linear Models have been addressed in a pedagogical manner which facilitates a strong understanding of the applied aspects of the subject. Further, a rigorous introduction of Bayesian Inference, Simulation, and Stochastic Processes consolidates the requirement of a masters student. It would suffice to say that the book is constructed with the aim of being a useful source of understanding Statistics with R."ISBN-9788184871180

Pages : 370
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