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  Analysis of Investments and Management of Portfolios

Analysis Of Investments And Management Of Portfolios

by Keith C. Brown, Frank K. Reilly

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  Used extensively by professionals, organizations, and schools across the country, ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENTS AND MANAGEMENT OF PORTFOLIOS, 10E, combines solid theory with practical application in order to help students learn how to manage their money so that they can maximize their earning potential. Filled with real-world illustrations and hands-on applications, this text takes a rigorous, empirical approach to teaching students about topics such as investment instruments, capital markets, behavioural finance, hedge funds, and international investing. It also emphasizes how investment practice and theory are influenced by globalization. In addition, this tenth edition includes new coverage of relevant topics such as the impact of the 2008 financial market crisis, changes in rating agencies and government agencies such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, global assets risk-adjusted performance and inter-correlations, and more. Students can also take advantage of the Thomson ONE Business School Edition, an online, one-stop shop to do financial analysis and research.

Salient Features

Ethics emphasis: Discussions of codes of ethics highlight the importance--and sometimes lack--of ethics in today``s financial markets, prompting students to examine and shore up their personal principles and values.
Ethics emphasis: Discussions of codes of ethics highlight the importance--and sometimes lack--of ethics in today``s financial markets, prompting students to examine and shore up their personal principles and values.
Thomson ONE--Business School Edition: Similar to tools analysts and brokers use in real practice, Thomson ONE--Business School Edition equips students with a one-stop shop to do financial analysis and research, giving them hands-on practice working with real-world applications.
Stock-Trak: Packaged with every copy of the book is a $7.00-off coupon for Stock-Trak Gold Account. Stock-Trak is an optional stock simulation that can give students even more access to real-world applications, enhancing the course``s practical experience.
Concise: More streamlined than ever, the tenth edition delivers comprehensive yet succinct coverage, providing just the right amount of detail to ensure solid student understanding and enabling you to cover more ground in the span of the course.
Global perspective: ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENTS AND MANAGEMENT OF PORTFOLIOS, 10E, leads the market with its solid coverage of international issues--the most comprehensive on the market.
Real-world relevance: Through the inclusion of recent changes and events in the field, students are able to see the real-world application of what they are learning. For example, the tenth edition includes integrated coverage of the impact of the 2008 financial market crisis on financial markets. In addition, coverage also includes discussion of several new fixed income instruments, changes in rating agencies and government agencies such as Fannie and Freddie, and the bond insurance industry and municipal bond sector.
Domestic and global coverage: The tenth edition includes extensive discussion of the significant changes in the organization and functioning of the U.S. and global security markets, giving students valuable insight into this hot topic. Expanded coverage: In-depth discussions of portfolio performance measurement analytics, bond portfolio strategies, stock portfolio strategies, and global assets risk-adjusted performance and inter-correlations for the 30-year period ending in 2010 ensures that you are provided with the most up-to-date information.
Derivative securities: Increased emphasis on derivative securities in portfolio management gives students insight into this important topic.

ISBN - 9788131518748

Pages : 1096
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