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  A Crash Course In Mathematics For The Jee Mains 2013

A Crash Course In Mathematics For The Jee Mains 2013

by Dinesh Khattar

  Price : Rs 275.00
  Your Price : Rs 225.50
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  A Crash Course in Mathematics for the JEE Mains 2013 focuses on the latest format, structure and syllabus of the Joint Entrance Examinations Mains Paper conducted by CBSE. The whole syllabus is divided into simple modules that can be easily grasped. The book includes comprehensive weekly tests that assess the understanding and accuracy of students. In addition, cumulative tests to be taken at the end of every week further improve problem-solving skills and build confidence and speed.

Salient Features

Strategic planning of the entire syllabus
Explanation of concepts and their applications at the beginning of each chapter to facilitate understanding
Each exercise generates skills for solving problems in the shortest possible time, thus building confidence, speed and accuracy.
Based on an in-depth analysis of the recent trends of the JEE MAINS

Table of Content

Week 1
Day 1: Set, Relations and Functions-I
Day 2: Set, Relations and Functions-II
Day 3: Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations
Day 4: Matrices and Determinants
Day 5: Permutations, Combinations and Mathematical Induction
Day 6: Binomial Theorem, Sequence and Series
Day 7: Weekly Test 1

Week 2
Day 8: Limits, Continuity and Differentibility-I
Day 9: Limits, Continuity and Differentibility-II
Day 10: Limits, Continuity and Differentibility-III
Day 11: Integral Calculus-I
Day 12: Integral Calculus-II
Day 13: Differential Equations
Day 14: Weekly Test 2
Cumulative Test 1

Week 3
Day 15: Coordinate Geometry-I
Day 16: Coordinate Geometry-II
Day 17: Three-Dimensional Geometry
Day 18: Vector Algebra
Day 19: Statistics and Probability
Day 20: Weekly Test
Day 21: Cumulative Test 2

Week 4
Day 22: Trigonometry-I
Day 23: Trigonometry-II
Day 24: Trigonometry-III
Day 25: Weekly Test 4

Cumulative Test 3

Practice Tests

Practice Test 1
Practice Test 2
Practice Test 3
Practice Test 4
Practice Test 5
Practice Test 6


ISBN - 9788131793732

Pages : 394
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