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  Strategic Management of Human Resources

Strategic Management Of Human Resources

by Mello

  Price : Rs 625.00
  Your Price : Rs 531.25
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  STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES, 3e, offers a truly innovative, integrative framework that examines the traditional functional HR areas from a strategic perspective. This text is organized into two sections. The first section, Chapters 1-7, examines the context of strategic HR and develops a framework and conceptual model for the practice of strategic HR. The second section, Chapters 8-14, examines the actual practice and implementation of strategic HR through a discussion of strategic issues that need to be addressed while developing specific programs and policies related to the traditional functional areas of HR. Both the integrative framework that requires linkage between and consistency among these functional HR activities and the approach toward writing about these traditional functional areas from a strategic perspective distinguish the text from what is currently on the market. Real-world examples and references: Integrated throughout the text and chapter introductions, frequent examples and references to current literature put HR into a real-world context.
Reading links: Within the body of the chapter, links alert readers to pertinent articles found later in the chapter.
Strategic emphasis: The author undertakes a comprehensive discussion of current issues, practices, and theories while maintaining a coherent and consistent emphasis on strategy.
Integrated strategic approach: This text is truly innovative in its perspective and will meet a high demand among faculty, students, and practitioners who have been looking for a truly strategic approach.
End-of-chapter questions and exercises: Discussion questions, experiential exercises to aid in student learning, innovative Internet exercises, and some recommended discussion questions for each of the readings are found at the end of each chapter. ISBN - 9788131518243

Pages : 710
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