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  Entrepreneurship and Rural Women in India

Entrepreneurship And Rural Women In India

by Jitendra Ahirrao

  Price : Rs 675.00
  Your Price : Rs 607.50
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  Entrepreneurship has assumed prime importance, both in research and in action, for accelerating economic growth. An entrepreneur is a critical factor who strives to reorient the national strategies and bring out the desired changes in the development pattern. Contrary to the earlier belief that entrepreneurs are a special creed and are born with special traits, entrepreneurship can be cultivated through proper training and financial support. An entrepreneur is a catalyst who can mobilize different resources and put them to effective use. Women constitute the backbone of any nation. Prosperity of the nation depends upon the prosperity of its women. However, the role played by rural women in economic development has not been assigned sufficient importance. Women face gender-specific barriers in access to education, health and employment. Again, women have little control over the assets. Women are often under-paid or unpaid for their work. Their contribution to society and the economy are often ignored. Encouraging women, particularly in rural areas, to set up small enterprises is an effective method to promote their welfare, development and empowerment.ISBN:9788177083293

Pages : 228
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