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  Glaucoma (r) Instant Clinical Diagnosis In Ophthalmology

Glaucoma (R) Instant Clinical Diagnosis In Ophthalmology

by Garg

  Price : Rs 1095.00
  Your Price : Rs 876.00
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  Salient features ¢ It is part of 10 volume series of books planned on ophthalmic sciences and in each volume international masters of concerned specialty have contributed. ¢ This book deals with an important clinical entity, glaucoma, which is one of the major causes of blindness. It provides latest information on various clinical glaucoma conditions, their diagnosis and management. A number of leading international experts have shared their experiences in the form of chapters covering all aspects of glaucoma ¢ It provides the latest and complete information of glaucoma exploring the subject and covering patho-physiology, clinical signs and symptoms, investigations, differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in a simplified form. This will serve as a quick reference to ophthalmologists, postgraduate students and practitioners ¢ The 10 volume set of ready reference books shall be most useful and complete guide to ophthalmologists all around the world and shall help them to accurately and precisely diagnose, treat and manage their clinical cases to the entire satisfaction of their patients ¢ This book will be a useful companion on every clinician`s desk that provides instant information on medical and surgical therapies. Informs about new instruments and techniques of imaging the optic disk, retinal nerve fibre layer and anterior segments which is an objective and superior way of examinating than the subjective style of the past ISBN 9788184484533

Pages : 456
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