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  Becoming Asia

Becoming Asia

by Alice Lyman Miller & Richard Wich

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 733.90
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  At the conclusion of World War II, Asia was hardly
more than a geographic expression. Yet today we
recognize Asia as a vibrant and assertive region,
fully transformed from the vulnerable nation-states
that emerged following the Second World War. The
transformation was by no means an inevitable one,
but the product of two key themes that have
dominated Asia`s international relations since 1945 -the competition between the United States and the
Soviet Union to enlist the region`s states as assets in
the Cold War, and the struggle of nationalistic Asian
leaders to develop the domestic support to maintain
power and independence in a dangerous
international context.
Becoming Asiaprovides a comprehensive, systemic
account of how these themes played out in Asian
affairs during the postwar years, covering not only
East Asia, but South and Central Asia as well. In
addition to exploring the interplay between
nationalism and Cold War bipolarity during the first
postwar decades, authors Alice Lyman Miller and
Richard Wich chart the rise of largely export-led
economies that are increasingly making the region
the global center of gravity, and document efforts in
the ongoing search for regional integration.ISBN:9789382264101

Pages : 330
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