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  Thermo-Mechanical Simulation and Processing of Steels

Thermo-Mechanical Simulation And Processing Of Steels

by Dr. B.K. Jha, S. Srikanth,

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Thermo-mechanical simulation is a very effective tool to understand the effects of the interplay of heat and deformation on resulting properties of steels and materials. Leading experts, from India and abroad, engaged in this important area of steel/material processing have made valuable contributions, which are the outcome of painstaking research and constitute a repository of valuable information.

The sixty-three articles included in this compendium cover diverse areas of research ranging from thermo-mechanical controlled processing; microstructural engineering; hot deformation, recrystallization and grain growth; emerging trends in steel products; process simulation; mathematical modelling; advances in materials characterization and process optimization, which will definitely help in charting the course for future research and development in this very exciting field.


Section I: Novel Insights into Material Behaviour through Simulation and Modeling

Predicting the Occurrence of Dynamic Transformation and Rolling Mill Loads Drops by Hot Torsion and Compression Testing — John J. Jonas, Chiradeep Ghosh, Xavier Quelennec and Vladimir V. Basabe
Microstructural Simulations via Thermal Processing of Roll Bonded Steel Laminates — David K. Matlock, Ralph J. Johnson, Emmanuel De Moor and John G. Speer
Process Modeling of Niobium Microalloyed Line Pipe Steels — S.V. Subramanian, Md Kashif Rehman, H. Zurob and J.M. Gray

Section II: Advances in Thermo-mechanical Controlled Processing

Development of a New Direct Quenched Abrasion Resistant Steel — Esko Kinnunen, Ilkka Miettunen, Mahesh C. Somani, David A. Porter, L. Pentti Karjalainen, Ilari Alamattila, Anu Kemppainen, Tommi Liimatainen and Vilma Ratia
Phase-Field Simulation of the Thermomechanical Processing of Steels — Rongshan Qin and Xu Tan
Thermo-Mechanical Behavior in Steels: Transformation Plasticity — Heung Nam Han, Yi-Gil Cho, Hoon-Hwe Cho, Moon-Jo Kim, Dong-Wan Kim and Yang-Hoo Kim
Influence of Boron on the Hardenability of Unalloyed and Low Alloyed Steel — Anjana Deva, Saikat K. De, Vinod Kumar, M. Deepa and B.K. Jha
Refinement of Ferrite Grain Size Near to the Ultra-Fine Range by Single-Pass and Multi-Pass Thermo-Mechanical Compression — D. Chakrabarti, S. Patra, A. Haldar and Vinod Kumar
An Empirical Prediction Model of the Incremental Strengthening of Ferrite/Pearlite Steels with Additions of Vanadium and Nitrogen with Emphasis on the Effective Nitrogen Level — Robert J. Glodowski
Development of Bulk Ultrafine-Grained Cold Reducible Grade Low Carbon Steel Produced by Equal Channel Angular Pressing — Rajpal Singh, Santosh Kumar, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry and R. Manna
Evolution of Microstructure, Microtexture and Texture during Thermo Mechanical Processing of Zirconium Alloy Structural Components — D. Srivastava, N. Keskar, K.V. ManiKrishna, S. Neogy, G.K. Dey, S.K. Jha and N. Saibaba
Thermomechanical Processing of 13/4 Martensitic Stainless Steel — Brij Kishor, G.P. Chaudhari and S.K. Nath

Section III: Microstructural Engineering

Deterministic Approach for Microstructurally Engineered Formable Steels — G. Anand, S. Datta and P.P. Chattopadhyay
Characterisation of Residual Stress in Electron Beam Welded P91 Plates by Neutron Diffraction— Amrita Kundu, Peter John Bouchard, Santosh Kumar and Gautam Kumar Dey
Thermo-mechanical Processing and Process Modeling of Power Plant Materials — A.K. Bhaduri, Dipti Samantaray and Sumantra Mandal
Evolution of Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Thermomechanically Processed Ultrahigh Strength Steels — S. Chatterjee and S.K. Ghosh
Role of Base Metal Microstructure on Tensile Properties and Weldability of Simulated Continuously Annealed Advanced High Strength Steels — Kumkum Banerjee
Effect of Strain, Strain Rate and Temperature of Hot Deformation on Microstructural Evolution of Ti and V Microalloyed Steel — Deepak Kundalkar and Asim Tewari
Acoustic Emission during Tensile Plastic Deformation of 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel — A.B. Pattnaik and B.B. Jha
Aging Response of Experimental Co-Ni Containing Secondary Hardening Ultra High Strength Steel — R. Veerababu, K. Satya Prasad, R. Balamuralikrishnan, S. Karthikeyan and K. Muraleedharan
Microstructure Modelling for Line Pipe Steels in Hot Strip Mill — Pradeep Agarwal, H.A. Lanjewar, R. Madhusudhan, S. Manjini and Ashish Chandra

Section IV: Hot Deformation, Recrystallization and Grain Growth

Modelling Grain Size Distributions during TMCR of Nb-microalloyed Steels — M. Strangwood and C.L. Davis
Investigation of Progress in Dynamic Recrystallization in Two Austenitic Stainless Steels Exhibiting Flow Softening — A. Sarkar and J.K. Chakravartty
Comparison between Conventional Annealing and Rapid-Transformation Annealing of Low-Carbon Steel — A. Karmakar and D. Chakrabarti
Microstructure, Deformation and Fracture Behavior of Cr-Mo-V Steels — C. Gupta, J.K. Chakravartty and S. Banerjee
Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Type 304L Stainless Steel Processed in Semi-Solid State — Dipti Samantaray, Vinod Kumar, A.K. Bhaduri and Pradip Dutta
Thermo-Mechanical Simulation of Hot Extrusion Process for Zr-2.5Nb-0.5Cu — S.K. Jha, Kumar Vaibhaw, V. Raizada, N. Saibaba, D. Srivastava and G.K. Dey
Optimization of Batch Annealing Parameters for Low Carbon Steel — M.B.N. Raju, Dharmendra Kumar, Ravi Prakash, N. Rajesh and Geert Paulussen

Section V: Emerging Trends in Steel Products

Evaluation of DQ&P Processing Route for the Development of Ultra-high Strength Tough Ductile Steels — Mahesh C. Somani, David A. Porter, L. Pentti Karjalainen and Devesh K. Misra
Structure-Property Correlation in TRIP Aided Steels — Shiv Brat Singh, Tanmay Bhattacharyya, Ravi Ranjan, Sandip Bhattacharyya and Debashish Bhattacharjee
Copper Precipitation in IF Steels — O.N. Mohanty, R. Rana and S.B. Singh
Ratcheting Behaviour of Tensile Pre-strained Interstitial Free Steel — Partha Sarathi De, P.C. Chakraborti, M. Shome, B. Bhattacharya and D. Bhattacharjee
API X 70 Grade HR Coils for ERW Pipes — Santosh Kumar, S.K. Shukla, S.K. De, Atul Saxena, B.K. Jha, B. Mishra, Alok Verma and S. Mallik
Influence of Ti Microalloying on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Hot Rolled C-Mn LPG Steel — S.N. Prasad, B.K. Jha, Santosh Kumar and A.S. Mathur
Efficient Mobility Solution Using New Concept — Dhananjay Kumar

Section VI: Process Simulation

Improved Simulation of Continuous Casting to Predict Transverse Corner Cracking in Microalloyed Steels — K.M. Banks, A.S. Tuling and B. Mintz
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modeling Tools and their Application to the Lifecycle of Stainless Steel — Åke Jansson, Anders Engström, Johan Bratberg, Qing Chen, Paul Mason and Pingfang Shi
Introduction of Materials Modelling into Processing Simulation–Towards True Virtual Design and Simulation — Zhanli Guo, Nigel Saunders, A. Peter Miodownik and Jean-Philippe Schillé
Property Enhancement in Metastable 301LN Austenitic Stainless Steel through Strain-Induced Martensitic Transformation and its Reversion (SIMTR) for Metro Coach Manufacture — S. Srikanth, P. Saravanan, Vinod Kumar, D. Saravanan, L. Sivakumar, S. Sisodia, K. Ravi and B.K. Jha
Evolution of Dual Phase Microstructure in Compact Strip Process by Simulation of Hot Strip Mill Parameters with Alloy Design — Mrigandra Singhai, Srimanta Sam, Neel Kant, R. Krishna, Vurity Saibabu, Anil Gargi, Ashok K. Vishwakarma and Pradip Patra
Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) Thermal Simulation Studies on High Strength Structural Steel — B. Basu and K.K. Sarkar
Improvement in Mechanical Properties through Physical Simulation of Hot Rolling Process — H.A. Lanjewar, R. Archana, D. Satish Kumar, S. Manjini, M. Singhai and P.K. Patra

Section VII: Mathematical Modeling

Modelling of Steelmaking Processes: Efforts at IIT-Kanpur — Dipak Mazumdar
Numerical Modelling of Complex Manufacturing Process Chains in the Metal Forming Industry — Gabriel Mc Bain, Hendrik Schafstall and Stefan Zimmer
Thermo-Mechanical Axial-Torsion Testing to Assess Workability – Modeling Using Finite Element Method and Experimental Validation — Utpal Borah, Diptimayee Samantaray, Shaju K. Albert, A.K. Bhaduri and T. Jayakumar
Prediction of Roll Force during Hot Strip Rolling of CRNO Grades of Steel Using Mathematical-ANN Hybrid Model — S. Rath, P.P. Sengupta, Vinod Kumar, U. Bhaskar and Ram Avtar
Modeling the Effect of Ladle Bottom Design on Flow Characteristics and Refractory Wear in Gas Stirred Ladles — Rajeev Kumar Singh and Y.K. Khanna
Parametric Optimization of Closed Die Forging Process Using FEM and Taguchi Method — Md. Israr Equbal, Rajkumar Ohdar and P. Talukdar

Section VIII: Advances in Materials Characterization

Corrosion Characterization of Advanced Steels for Use in the Oil & Gas Industry — Brajendra Mishra
Miniature Specimen Technique for Assessing the Microstructural Degradation in 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel — B.B. Jha, T.K. Sahoo, D. Tripathy and B.K. Mishra
Fatigue Resistance of Structural Alloys — Vakil Singh
Effect of Plasma Nitriding on Fatigue Characteristics of AISI 4330 Low Alloy Steel — Rajkumar Singh, Jagdish Sherkar, Ram Chandra Prasad, Ganesh Jawale and Raju Kadam
Characterization of Modified Steel Surfaces with Scanning Auger and Scanning Microprobe XPS — J.S. Hammond, D.F. Paul, S. Alnabulsi, K.W. Bomben and W. Betz
Identifying Boron Distribution in a Nb-B Containing Structural Steel — Balbir Singh and Gadadhar Sahoo
Ultrafast Complete Inclusion Characterization for Steel Mills: Advances in Turnkey Automated Scanning Electron Microscope — Vishal L. Patel, Timothy J. Drake and Susan Benes
Fatigue Failure of an Expansion Bellow of a Blast Furnace due to Improper Welding: A Case Study — Pankhuri Sinha, Hrishikesh R. Jugade, Goutam Mukhopadhyay and Sandip Bhattacharyya

Section IX: Process Optimization

Improvement in Mechanical Property Distribution of High Strength Steel — Manashi Adhikary, Nikhil Ramakrishnan, Sundara Bharathy, S. Ray, Avtar Singh, Vinay Mahashabde and T. Venugopalan
Determination of Hot Rolling Parameters for CRNO Steel at Rourkela Steel Plant — P.P. Sengupta, S. Rath and Vinod Kumar
Optimization of Process Parameters in Bar and Rod Rolling Using Gleeble Simulation — Pranav Kumar Tripathi, D. Satish Kumar, H.A. Lanjewar, S. Manjini and Kamleshwar Prasad
Minimization of Cracking of Wheel Rims Manufacturing from Fe 410 Grade Structural Steel — Arthita Dey, Tanmay Bhattacharyya, G. Senthil Kumar and Sandip Bhattacharyya
Improvement in Performance of Bell Annealing Line # 1 of Bokaro Steel Plant through Close Loop Expert System Based Heating Control — S. Mitra, S.K. Saha, R.S. Kumar, M. Gangadharan, B.K. Prasad, N.K. Ghosh and S. Roy Choudhary
Die Stress Optimization Using Quantum Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization — Md. Israr Equbal, Anoop Kumar Sood and Aarif Hussain
Improvement in Lubrication at Roll-Bite through Heat Balance at Cold Mill — A.K. Marik, N. Mondal, S. Rath, S. Sarkar and Rakesh
ISBN - 9788130923017

Pages : 694
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