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  Practice Test Papers for Judicial Service and other Law competitive Examinations, 3rd Edn.

Practice Test Papers For Judicial Service And Other Law Competitive Examinations, 3Rd Edn.

by Mehta Gaurav

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 343.65
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  The present book caters to the preliminary examination and is intended to give maximum practice to the aspriants. The question papers given have been formulated keeping in mind the recent trend of questions asked in various Judicial Service Examinations across the country. The book also incorporates several important questions asked in previous examinations. Every set contains a total of 200 questions out of which 100 questions asre pertaining to Law (covering CPC, CrPc, IPC, Evidence, Contract, Specific Relief, Partnership, Limitation, Arbitration, etc.), 50 questions of General Knowledge (including Constitution of India, History & Indian National Movement, Geography, Current events, etc.) and the remaining 50 questions are to test candidate`s knowledge of English (including synonyms, antonyms, comprehension passage, etc.) The aspirants are expected to attempt these questions in exam-like conditions within a time span of 150 minutes. Moreover, to test the speed and accuracy an OMR sheet has ben provided at the end of each paper. the aspirants are expected to practice these papers before going for the exam because as the saying goes ``the more you practice, a lot easier the nob becomes``. For the benefit of aspirants a special supplement has been provided at the end of the book encapsulating recent international and national events in a nutshell.ISBN : 9789350351314

Pages : 424
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