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  Practical Guide to Labour Management (A to Z from Selection to Separation), 8th Edn.

Practical Guide To Labour Management (A To Z From Selection To Separation), 8Th Edn.

by Kumar H.L.

  Price : Rs 425.00
  Your Price : Rs 369.75
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  The Labour and the Management form an integral part of an industry. More often than not it is said that the Labour and the Management are two perpetually contending parties but the fact is that nothing is more fallacious and unreal. This is a blatantly false notion, the reality is the other way round. The purpose of this book is to familiarise the readers with basic modern concepts of Management and prevailing industrial relations as well as the bright future of this growing field. This will help the old and new alike. Even a fresher with little formal training of the basic principles of management will be able to understand the intricacies and implications of managing people at work and solve day-to-day problems which inevitably come in the way. Needless to say, itA‚ has been prepared in a manner to serve as a hand book of reference for Personal Management. Essential legal aspects have been given in a very simple and lucid manner. To further enhance the utility of the book the ratio of important cases decided by the Supreme Court and High Courts have been provided with appropriate topics.

Among other things it provides under appropriate heads, practical hints on requirementsA‚ of different Labour and Industrial Laws applicable to the factories, industries and commercial undertakings. ISBN : 9789350352168

Pages : 532
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