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  Digital Control Engineering-Analysis and Design, 2e

Digital Control Engineering-Analysis And Design, 2E

by M. Sami Fadali , Antonio Visioli

  Price : Rs 510.00
  Your Price : Rs 433.50
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  Digital controllers are part of nearly all modern personal, industrial, and transportation sytems. Every senior or graduate student of electrical, chemical or mechanical engineering should therefore be familiar with the basic theory of digital controllers. This new text covers the fundamental principles and applications of digital control engineering, with emphasis on engineering design.

Key Features:

Extensive Use of computational tools: Matlab sections at end of each chapter show how to implement concepts from the chapter.
Frees the student from the drudgery of mundane calculations and allows him to consider more subtle aspects of control system analysis and design.

An engineering approach to digital controls: emphasis throughout the book is on design of control systems. Mathematics is used to help explain concepts, but throughout the text discussion is tied to design and implementation. For example coverage of analog controls in chapter 5 is not simply a review, but is used to show how analog control systems map to digital control systems.

Review of Background Material: contains review material to aid understanding of digital control analysis and design. Examples include discussion of discrete-time systems in time domain and frequency domain (reviewed from linear systems course) and root locus design in s-domain and z-domain (reviewed from feedback control course). ISBN - 9789382291985

Pages : 600
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