This comprehensive study on knowledge and information discusses the different perspectives of the field in the order of : Fundamentals covering the nature of knowledge, information, wisdom, ignorance, data and their relationships: organizing, communication, and transferring of knowledge; important characteristics of knowledge, information and their effects; and cognitive processes which guide our thinking and actions. Dimension including time, space, change and their effects on knowledge and society; specialist`s view of the origin and nature of knowledge and information as reflected in philosophy, biology, physical sciences, and sociology, Domains dealing with social knowledge; science, technology and society; and economics (information a resource, as a commodity, as a factor of production, and as economic signals). Access and servicing detailing information users` profile and information processes; libraries and Internet; and Knowledge Management showing how these fulfill the objectives of providing access to, and servicing of knowledge and information. The final section discussing the role of knowledge and information in establishing a knowledge society. The book should be of interest to all those engaged in studying, processing, servicing and utilizing knowledge and information in different capacities. ISBN 9788170006077