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  IT Inventory and Resource Management with OCS Inventory NG 1.02

It Inventory And Resource Management With Ocs Inventory Ng 1.02

by Barzan Tony Antal

  Price : Rs 799.00
  Your Price : Rs 679.15
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  Eliminate inventorying dilemmas by implementing a free and feasible IT Inventory solution

Understand and implement an IT Inventory and Resource Management solution and learn the necessary know-how in simple terms
Reduce unnecessary paper-work by centralizing the asset management
Audit installed software and track software licenses seamlessly just with a few clicks
Manage multiple office locations from a central place-get a bird`s eye view
Follows a step-by-step approach visually aided with screenshots and diagrams

In Detail
OCS Inventory NG is a cross-platform, open-source inventory and asset management solution. It brings more than plentiful features to the table to satisfy the business needs of small-to-large organizations with up to tens of thousands of computers. However, to put this inventory solution to optimum use requires a lot of skill.

This book will lead you through the steps of implementing OCS-NG until you master working with it. This book aims at reducing efforts involved in resource management. The solution gives a robust foundation on top of which we can implement other third party applications, plugins, and much more.

This book begins with the basics-it explains what IT inventorying needs are to be met in the real-world. Then, it covers a step-by-step approach to everything you need to know to set up and implement OCS-NG as a centralized inventory solution to meet all these requirements. It delves deeper into carrying out inventory tasks with every chapter.

You will learn how to choose the best agent type and deployment method. We discuss the process of gathering inventory data and cover techniques for creating and deploying packages. You will also learn how to acquire added benefits with the use of plugins. We discuss best practices on inventorying and troubleshooting agent-related problems. The book presents real-world inventorying scenarios along with their solutions. You will basically learn how to use OCS-NG to get the most out of it.

As a conclusion, if you want to learn about a free solution that fulfils inventorying necessities of the real-world, this is the book for you.

A practical guide on how to set up, configure, and work with OCS Inventory NG- a cross-platform, open-source inventory solution. ISBN 9789350231791

Pages : 268
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