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  Movement Disorders A Clincail and Therapeutic Approach

Movement Disorders A Clincail And Therapeutic Approach

by Das Shyamal K

  Price : Rs 850.00
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  Section 1 Basic Chapters 1. Movement Disorders as a Subspecialty of Neurology and an Introduction 3 to the Physiology of Movement2. Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry of Basal Ganglia 3. An Approach to Movement Disorders 4. Epidemiology of Movement Disorders 5. Immunology and Movement Disorders 6. Genetics:1. Genetics in Medicine 2. Genetics of Movement Disorders 7. Eye Movement in Normal State and Movement Disorders 8. Gait Disorders 9. Neuroimaging in Movement Disorders 10. Sleep and Movement Disorders Section 2 Parkinsonian Disorders 11. Idiopathic Parkinsons Disease 12. Parkinsonism Plus Syndromes or Atypical Parkinsonian Disorders 13. Aetiopathogenesis of Parkinsons Disease 14. Dementia in Parkinsons Disease 15. Management of Motor Complications in Advanced Parkinsons Disease 16. Alternative Therapies of Parkinsons Disease 17. Surgery for Parkinsons Disease 18. Depression and Sleep-related problems in Parkinsons Disease 19. Autonomic Dysfunction in Parkinsons Disease Section 3 Dystonic Disorders 20. DystoniaA Clinical Approach 21. Wilsons Disease 22. Dopa Responsive Dystonia 23. Occupational Dystonias 24. Paroxysmal Dyskinesias 25. Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome [Pantothenate Kinase Associated Neuro-Degeneration (PKAN)] Section 4 Movement Disorders in Pediatric Practice 26. Approach to Pediatric Movement Disorders 27. Tics Disorders 28. Sydenhams Chorea 29. Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infection Section 5 Movement Disorders in Psychiatry Practice 30. Psychogenic Movement Disorders 31. Movement Disorders in Drug-Naive Psychiatric Patients 32. Drug Induced Dyskinesia Section 6 Non-dystonic and Non-parkinsonian Movement Disorders 33. Tremor: Clinical Types, Approach and Outline of Management 34. Myoclonus 35. Huntingtons Disease 36. Hemiballism 37. Stereotypy and Stereotypic Movement Disorders 38. Muscle Cramp and Other Causes of Muscle Stiffness 39. An Approach to a Case of Cerebellar Ataxia Section 7 Electrophysiology of Movement Disorders 40. Electrophysiology in Movement Disorder Section 8 Therapeutics in Movement Disorders 41. Botulinum Toxin: Pharmacology, Indication, Adverse Effects and Mode of Administration 42. Pharmacological Approach to Treatment of Movement Disorders Section 9 Miscellaneous 43. Quality of Life in Parkinsons Disease 44. Post Stroke Movement Disorders 45. Movement Disorders in Neurosurgical Practice 46. Some Notable Names in the Study of Movement Disorders. ISBN 9788184485264

Pages : 538
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