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  Cricket World Cup: The Indian Challenge

Cricket World Cup: The Indian Challenge

by Sunil Gavaskar, Ashis Ray

  Price : Rs 499.00
  Your Price : Rs 424.15
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  His debut as a test match commentator in 1975. He was the only Asian ball-by-ball commentator on the 1983 World Cup. He has commentated on the sport on, among other networks, BBC, ABC of Australia, SKY SPORTS UK and SONY. He has reported or commented on cricket for every major British and Indian newspaper. His home entertainment video, Great Moments of Indian Cricket 1932-86, released by HMV and Virgin in 1987, became an international bestseller. His TV documentary, 1983:India’s World Cup, screened in various countries, narrowly missed being short-listed for a BAFTA Award. His book, One-Day Cricket: The Indian Challenge, published by HarperCollins in 2007, became a bestseller in India. London-based, Ray is the longest serving Indian foreign correspondent, having worked in this capacity since 1977 for BBC, CNN, the Ananda Bazar Group and The Times of India. He is presently editor-director of a soon-to-be-launched text and TV news agency.

ISBN - 9789384898199

Pages : 304
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