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  Analysis of Structures on Elastic Foundations

Analysis Of Structures On Elastic Foundations

by Tsudik Edward

  Price : Rs 625.00
  Your Price : Rs 531.25
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  Analysis of Structures on Elastic Foundations is a practical guide for structural and geotechnical engineers as well as graduate students working in foundation engineering. Included are detailed descriptions of practical methods of analysis of various foundations including simple beams on elastic foundations as well as very complex foundations such as mat foundations supported on piles. Methods for fast and easy hand analysis in addition to methods for exact computer analysis are presented. Most of the methods are developed for three soil models: Winkler foundation, elastic half-spaces, and elastic layers. Numerous numerical examples illustrate the applications of these methods. Offers simple formulae and tables for analysis of beams free-supported on Winkler foundation and elastic half-spaces as well as applications to the analysis of complex beams and many types of continuous beams
Describes in detail the little known Method of Initial Parameters that allows analyzing various statically indeterminate systems with elements supported on Winkler foundation
Covers a new and very simple method of combined analysis of 2D and 3D frames with individual foundations by modeling the system soil foundation with equivalent line elements and without requiring special software
Introduces a series of new methods/algorithms such as analysis of composite beams and plates on elastic foundations, combined analysis of walls with continuous foundations, and combined analysis of walls supported on frames with continuous and individual foundations
WAV features editor`s notes and corrections — available from the Web Added Value&trade Download Resource Center at www.jrosspub.com ISBN - 9788131518953

Pages : 600
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