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  Sustainable Livelihoods Collection and Marketing of NTFP by Scheduled Tribes in The North Coastal of Andhra

Sustainable Livelihoods Collection And Marketing Of Ntfp By Scheduled Tribes In The North Coastal Of Andhra

by A. Vidya Sagar

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 600.00
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  "The present study basically deals with Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) and its role in ensuring sustainable livelihood to trives living in the forest areas. The driving force behind this study is the author`s personal experience as Project Officer, Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA), Khammam District, Collector and District Magistrate, Nalgonda District and Managing Director of Girijan Cooperative Corporation Limited (GCC) of Andhra Pradesh. Based on an analysis of his work in various tribal areas of Andhra Pradesh, the Author has made an attempt to suggest policy measures for sustainable production of NTFP and its marketing, in order to improve the livelihood opportunities open to NTFP gatherers. In the process NTFP policies have also been scrutinized and studied. This study is a valuable contribution to the Literature on sustainable development.ISBN:9788180698644

Pages : 272
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