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  Introduction to Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture

Introduction To Plant Cell, Tissue And Organ Culture

by Purohit, Sunil D.

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 250.75
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  Designed primarily as a text for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Botany and Plant Biotechnology, the book discusses the theoretical aspects and modern applications of plant cell, tissue and organ culture.

Written with the aim of providing up-to-date information on the subject, and focused on the concept of commercialization of plant cell culture, the contents have been presented with clarity.

The book not only discusses the theoretical aspects of plant tissue culture but also emphasizes the art of its practice. It also provides a systematic explanation of asepsis and methods of sterilization, plant tissue culture techniques, culture of reproductive structures, plant tissue culture in germplasm conservation, its applications in the industry and plant pathology and operation and management of greenhouse hardening unit. In addition, it discusses in vitro propagation of plants (micropropagation) with a series of case studies pertaining to tree species and horticultural crops.

Besides students, the book will also prove to be useful for researchers, scholars and teachers.ISBN: 9788120346772

Pages : 324
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