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   Goddess Bagalamukhi in Indian Art, Literature & Thought

Goddess Bagalamukhi In Indian Art, Literature & Thought

by C.V. Rangaswami

  Price : Rs 2950.00
  Your Price : Rs 2950.00
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  India is a land of several goddess cults. The present book attempts to study the cult of Devi Bagalamukhi from a socio-cultural stand point. Devi Bagalamukhi is one of the dasamahavidyas or incarnation of Goddess Parvati. She is a stambhana goddess, destroyer of adversaries “ internal as well as external and one who aids Parasiva (the Absolute) in his cosmic function. Besides these aspects, She is also the bestower of fulfillment of all desires “ worldly as well as ˜bliss`. Her Pithas are located at Datia (M.P.), Varanasi (Sindhiya Ghat), Siddhaparvata (Raichur) and Gauri Pitha (Navilgund, Karnataka) and few other places. There are also individual practitioners of the Goddess all over India. The book consists of five chapters. The first and second deal with a brief introduction and the Goddess in literature, art and thought. Third to fifth chapters are exclusively meant for a detailed study of social dimensions, including efforts made by preceptors of the Pithas. For instance, Sri Annadanesvara the most recent preceptor of Bagala cult, Sri Cidananda Avadhutaru Rajayogi, Sant Siromani Mahan Santa Ananta Sri Pujyapada Sri Svamiji and Sri Ajata Nagalinga Mahasvamigalu. They have reformed many persons by their counseling impact and spiritual healing.

Hoped that this book would be found useful in inspiring people of this land to have faith in the desirability of their temples and institutions for the perpetuation of their religion and culture. ISBN:9788188934959

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