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  I Say Unto You, Vol.1

I Say Unto You, Vol.1

by Osho

  Price : Rs 690.00
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  Talks on the Sayings of Jesus In I Say Unto You, we are introduced to a dynamic, compassionate, intelligent, loving Jesus, who speaks in a plain and simple way that everyone can understand, rather than the long-faced, sad and tortured man often depicted down the centuries. Osho looks with a crystal-clear perception and humor at Jesus work, inviting us to see the parables and miracles as metaphors of the inner world. He gives insight into Jesus own search, and his journeys to the ancient mystery schools of Egypt, Kashmir and Tibet that transformed him into one of the most evolved masters of the two paths of love and meditation so relevant for todays societies where the sharp functioning of the mind is more valued than the intelligence of the heart. Osho places Jesus amongst the great mystics of our time: an extraordinary man whose work went unacknowledged by his own people and was misunderstood by the creators of Christianity.ISBN:9788172612566

Pages : 274
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