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   Varleys Practical Clinical Biochemistry 6 Edition

Varleys Practical Clinical Biochemistry 6 Edition

by Alan H. Gowenlock

  Price : Rs 2995.00
  Your Price : Rs 2396.00
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  The book deals with the general principles of all analytical methods in general use and incorporates the latest methodology. There is helpful guidance on the selection of alternative techniques and the interpretation of results. Manual techniques are included for use in emergency work and by those laboratories that do not have access to automatic instrumentation. Retaining the clear concise and practical approach established in earlier editions this latest edition of Varley will maintain its traditional place as a convenient and authoritative source of information at the laboratory bench. The chapters Cover the chemical biochemical and physiological background to the tests and their findings in health and disease There are useful chapters on the use of SI units and statistics and more specialised tests for the detection of hormones enzymes Vitamins and the drugs of abuse. ISBN 9788123904276

Pages : 1050
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