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Ten Steps To Maturity In Knowledge Management

by Suresh

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  Summary: This book presents a comprehensive set of lessons for the KM practitioner, covering all phases of planning, design, implementation and assessment of knowledge management. A central theme of the book is that for the success of KM in an organization, it is critical to ensure that investments and changes are made with sensibility and economy in each phase of the KM solution. The book explains the reasoning behind each of the lessons, illustrates it with scenarios extracted from real-world KM implementations, and provides guidelines for practitioners to implement the lesson in their own organization. Key Features: (1)Presents a unique set of counterintuitive lessons with a common theme that spans all phases of the design and implementation of a KM solution, through which the practitioner can obtain a consistent methodology for implementing KM (2)Each lesson is accompanied by sufficient explanations and illustrations, using self-contained examples (3)The book also presents detailed practical guidelines to enable the practitioners to apply the lesson effectively in their own KM implementations (4)The lessons are generic ones, not couched in the idiosyncrasies of an implementation or case study from a particular industry The Authors: Dr J. K. Suresh is Associate Vice President and Principal Knowledge Manager at Infosys Technologies Limited. Dr. Kavi Mahesh is a KM consultant and the founder of EasySoftech, a company that builds software tools for knowledge management. Readership: This book is primarily aimed at knowledge management practitioners and decision makers in medium and large companies, governments and other organizations. It can serve as additional reading for agraduate-level course in knowledge management. The book is highly suitable as the basis for hands-on workshops for KM practitioners. Contents: KM in Practice: An Introduction The Basic Lesson: Economy in Knowledge Management Lesson 1: Economy of Plan: Adopt an Evolutionary Strategy Lesson 2: Economy of Change: Be Non-Intrusive Lesson 3: Economy of Control: Disempower the KM Team Lesson 4: Economy of Scope: Understand Knowledge Dynamics Lesson 5: Economy of Effort: Decentralize KM Lesson 6: Economy in Deployment: Design an Enterprise KM Architecture Lesson 7: Economy in Promotion: Motivate through Recognition Lesson 8: Economy in Assessment: Nurture a Self-Assessing Quality System Lesson 9: Economy in Evolution: Measure From the Start Lesson 10: Look Beyond KM The Final Lesson: Make KM a Way of Life KM in Practice - Infosys Technologies ISBN - 9781843341307

Pages : 248
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