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  International Law Documents

International Law Documents

by Das P.K.

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 430.65
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  A comprehensive work to provide a wide vision of International Law which intensifies to cover most of the International Law Documents.

The First Part of the book contains the Covenants, Conventions and Protocols covering United Nations, American and African Unions along with European Unions. It starts with the years 1899 and 1907, the Pacific Settlement of Disputes and Covenant of League of Nations, 1919, United Nations Charter, 1945, ICJ Statute, 1945, Rome Statute of International Criminal Court, 1998 etc.,

The Second Part contains the International Declarations, Agreements, Treaties and Resolutions. It includes Rio Declarations on Environment and Development 1992, Rio+10 Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development in September 2002, etc.

The book covers the International Law documents on child, women, environment, air craft, civil aviation, human rights, fundamental freedoms, minorities, cruelty, civil, economic and cultural rights, treaty laws, consular relations, sea, continental shelf, war and terrorism etc.

The book will be useful for Bench, Bar, International Organisations, Researchers and any body looking for an International Document.ISBN : 9788175343023

Pages : 686
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