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  My Diary Of India

My Diary Of India

by Claudio Cardelli

  Price : Rs 780.00
  Your Price : Rs 663.00
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  The author`s diary finds its roots back in that array of mental short circuits of a generation strongly influenced by the Beatles, Kerouac or the simple quest for adventure. Those were the `70s, where many `daredevils` at the wheel of their 2CV (Citroen, French car) or Volkswagen van would hit the road toward Middle and Far East Asia, through Benares or Kathmandu. The author here wants to steer away from that stereotypical India of the Taj Mahal, the Hall of the Winds or other icons, and focus more on those little day-to-day adventures the locals live while on trains, carriages, old broken-down buses, inside their homes or along mountain trails. `My Diary of India` is a colourful and heartbreaking journey among a billion people, stunningly backed up by an impressive photo archive. India is the largest democracy on the planet. Millenary rituals live back to back with the most advanced computer science. All climates and habitats on Earth can be found all across the Country and under the most extreme conditions. Languages, dialects, religions, and architecture develop through the most different ways to travel, build, and live. It is likely to be the ultimate experience for the contemporary traveller.

ISBN - 9788896042144

Pages : 272
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