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  Jaldi Fit (With DVD)

Jaldi Fit (With Dvd)

by Namita Jain

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 350.00
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  Namita is a highly respected authority in the wellness industry. She holds international certifications in several fitness-related disciplines. For over 20 years, Namita has kept pace with new tends and techniques in her field, offering holistic hands-on guidance to wellness enthusiasts.

Namita writes for prestigious publications in India, covering areas such as nutrition and exercise. Her jaldi fit brand also runs an active website that offers information and advice across the entire wellness spectrum.

In the field of rehabilitation, Namita offers consultations to a well-know hospital in Mumbai, structuring training programs for people with special needs, training the trainers and conducting specialized classes. ISBN 9788189906498

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