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   Business Organisation

Business Organisation

by Mohd. Ahsraf Ali , Shahid Alam , Azam Malik

  Price : Rs 1195.00
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  Business plays an important role in social development. It creates wealth for the society, creates number of employment opportunities to the people which in trun provides a livelihood to them. This business also increases the standard of living of the people by producing advanced and quality goods. But the rapidly changing economic scenario is creating difficulties for business. It is not simple to run a business at present. The complexities of business are growing every day and hence, a business man has to adjust the complex situation prevailing in the country.

Therefore, the study of business is very important to know the economic development as it mainly depends upon the growth of business. The drawbacks can be improved only when these are properly understood. So to understand the drawbacks, to mange changing economic conditions and to manage drastic changes in technology one should have a proper study of the business in its totality. Hence, in this book we made many efforts to explain the term business and its organisation in a very simple language so that every student of any standard can understand very easily. We have divided the total subject into severn parts. First part dedicated to explain the fundamental cocnepts of business. The second part concentrated on business organisation and its forms.

The third part is throwing light on promotion of a company. Important documents issued by a company and its significance are explained in part four. For the business capital is very important and hence this aspect is explained in part five. Part six is devoted to explain about the company`s management and meetings and resolutions. Business will not exist in vacuum but it is the part and parcel of the society which consists of different category of people and hence the social responsibilities of a busines are very important. Therefore, in part seven much effort has been made to explain the social responsibilities of a business. This book will be helpful to B.Com, M.Com, BBA and MBA students of all Universities in India and also helpful to those students who are preparing for other competitive examinations.

Table of Contents

Part I : Fundamental Concepts of Business
Introduction to Business
Classification/Components of Business
Role of Business
Business Environment
Part II : Business Organisation and Its Forms
Forms of Business Organisation
Sole Propertorship
Joint Hindu Family
Joint Stock Company
Co-operative Organisation
Public Sector and its Forms
Joint Sector
Public Utilities
Part III : Promotion of a Company
Stages of a Company
Incorporation/Formation of a Company ISBN 9788131316757

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