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  Oriental Encounte Palestine and Seria (1894-5-6)

Oriental Encounte Palestine And Seria (1894-5-6)

by Marmaduke Pickthall

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 590.75
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  Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall`s experiences in the twilight of that exotic world may be read in his travelogue, Oriental Encounters. He had found, as he explains, a world of freedom unimaginable to a public school boy raised on an almost idolatrous passion for The State. Most Palestinians never set eyes on a policeman, and lived for decades without engaging with government in any way. Islamic law was administered in its time-honoured fashion, by qadis who, with the exception of the Sahn and Ayasofya graduates in the cities, were local scholars. Villages chose their own headmen, or inherited them, and the same was true for the bedouin tribes. The population revered and loved the Sultan-Caliph in faraway Istanbul, but understood that it was not his place to interfere with their lives.
It was this freedom, as much as intellectual assent, which set Marmaduke on the long pilgrimage which was to lead him to Islam. He saw the Muslim world before Westernisation had contaminated the lives of the masses, and long before it had infected Muslim political thought and produced the modern vision of the Islamic State, with its `ideology`, its centralised bureaucracy, its secret police, its Pasdaran and its Basij. The deep faith of the Levantine peasantry which so amazed him was sustained by the sincerity that can only come when men are free, not forced, in the practice of religion. For the state to compel compliance is to spread vice and disbelief; as the Arab proverb which he well-knew says: `If camel-dung were to be prohibited, people would seek it out.` (extract from biography written by Abdal-Hakim Murad).ISBN: 8130705702

Pages : 410
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