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  Communication Systems (Analog And Digital), 5/e

Communication Systems (Analog And Digital), 5/E

by Sanjay Sharma

  Price : Rs 375.00
  Your Price : Rs 337.50
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  Communication Systems (Analog and Digital) is a reference book written by Sanjay Sharma to provide an in-depth description of the analog and digital communication systems. This is the 5th edition of the book, and it discusses various aspects of both communication systems. It describes signal analysis and transmission. Separate chapters have been devoted to amplitude modulation and angle modulation. The book also provides information on probability, random signals, and random processes. Besides the basic knowledge on communication systems, it also provides details on performance of these communication systems. Other important topics covered in this book are noise, radio receivers, sampling theory and pulse modulation, and waveform coding techniques among others. Sharma has added various objective question papers and model question papers for the sake of the readers. This added section on questions helps the reader get a better grasp of the subject. Information theory and error control coding are also discussed in this book. Moreover, it also explores the digital baseband transmission, digital multiplexers, and gives an introduction to signal space analysis. Appendices, references, and index mentioned in the last section of the book make it convenient for the readers to refer what they want.ISBN 8188458201

Pages : 1025
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