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  Ancient Khotan: Detailed report of Archaeological Exploration in Chinese Turkestan, 3 Volumes Set

Ancient Khotan: Detailed Report Of Archaeological Exploration In Chinese Turkestan, 3 Volumes Set

by Aurel Stein

  Price : Rs 11500.00
  Your Price : Rs 9775.00
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  The present work is intended to describe in detail the archaeological, historical, geographical and ethnographical results of the explorations which were carried out in 1900-01, in the southern portion of Chinese Turkestan, and particularly in the region of Khotan. The author of this excellent work, Sir Aurel Stein hardly needs any introduction. His name is linked with explorations and excavations through out the length and breadth of Asia in general, and Central and Innermost Asia, in particular. Ancient Khotan constitute the story of his explorations in this vast area of China. The credit of re-discovery of Eastern civilization and the pre-dominant influence of Indian culture on Chinese way of life goes to Sir Aurel who uncovered many facets of the multi-cultural tracks through enormous journeys in the face of continual hardships, discomfort, and multipul dangers. The unearthing of a large number of long buried sites in the desert land of Khotan exposed a long forgotten civilization, which had a rich culture and a very close link with the Indian heritage. Dating back to periods which extends over eleven centuries, they show remarkable diversity in nature and character. The remains of the temples, fortified posts, private dwellings, etc., has been so plentiful and multifarious as to enable us to study most aspects of the early civilization which once flourished there. That Sanskrit Buddhist literature was studied in Khotan down to the end of the 8 century A.D; has been proved by the discovery of the Kharosti manuscripts and Brahmi script which the author excavated in the ruined shrines and monasteries of Dandan-Unliq and Endere. At the same time, the large series of ancient stucco sculptures, frescoes, painted tables, and relief carving in wood excavated from ruins, has conclusively demonstrated that the Buddhist art of India found a new home in Khotan. The set is complete in three large size volumes. The first two volumes contain descriptive text, appendices, inscriptions, inventory of manuscripts etc., interspread with large number of photographs of geo-graphical, historical and ethnic descriptions. Volume three contains 176 large plates of antiquities, arts, paintings, coins and other objects found during the explorations.ISBN: 8170202655

Pages : 1100
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