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  MKTG: What`s Inside An Innovative Approach To Learning And Teaching

Mktg: What`S Inside An Innovative Approach To Learning And Teaching

by Lamb , Hair , Sharma , Mc Daniel

  Price : Rs 675.00
  Your Price : Rs 573.75
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  4LTR Press, a Cengage Learning product, is a widely acclaimed concept of learning with a simple approachcreating an innovative teaching and learning solution built around todays learners and teachers. The idea behind bringing out this series of books is to introduce students and teachers in South Asia to an innovative concept in management studies. Since the launch, 4LTR Press has helped more than 1,000,000 college students at over 1,500 schools succeed worldwide.

MKTG, a 4LTR Press product, takes into account and integrates the inputs from discipline-specific focus groups, conversations, and surveys and presents the content in a visually engaging page layout, keeping intact the high-quality content instructors need. It adopts a persuasive visual medium and offers a balanced approach, demonstrating how to use marketing information to make business decisions. The book aims at enjoyable reading and easy attention using comprehensive pedagogical features.
ISBN 9788131517086

Pages : 688
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