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  St. Thomas Aquinas: And Medieval Philosophy

St. Thomas Aquinas: And Medieval Philosophy

by D. J. Kennedy

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 590.75
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  The revived interest in Scholastic philosophy far from abating, continues to increase. In ecclesiastical circles the works of Saint Thomas are of prime importance. In his Letter against Modernism (1907) Pope Pius X decreed that Scholastic philosophy according to the mind and method of St. Thomas should be the basis for the theological studies which are to be a safeguard and bulwark against modernistic errors and tendencies.

The new Code of Canon Law imposes on all professors of philosophy and theology the obligation of adhering religiously to the doctrine and principles of St. Thomas. The Angelic Doctor was the greatest of many men who cultivated reason and used it in the defence and explanation of Christian truth. It is hoped that the book serves to explain, in a brief and summary manner, the influence of St. Thomas on medieval philosophy, thereby creating a desire for deeper study of that important period.

For those who intend to pursue ecclesiastical studies some knowledge of conditions prevailing in the Scholastic period is essential, since without this knowledge they will find it impossible properly to appreciate the work of the great Scholastic doctors.

The matter is treated in a popular way, so that from the sketches given even the ordinary reader can form a fairly accurate conception of the position that St. Thomas holds in the history of medieval philosophy. For the benefit of those who may wish to make a deeper study of this subject there is added a bibliography, which will be found especially helpful to beginners.ISBN

Pages : 168
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