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  Islamic Architecture of Deccan

Islamic Architecture Of Deccan

by R. Vasantha , M. A. Mannan Basha

  Price : Rs 1950.00
  Your Price : Rs 1950.00
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  The social andartistic ingenuities of the Adil Shahis, Qutb Shahis and Mughals brought a freshbreeze into this region and gave a new life to Islamic art in the Deccan speciallyRayalaseema region and revitalized it into fresh activities, which wereundreamed of in the preceding ages. Islamic Architecture Of Deccan scans the geographical, historicaland religious background in which the Islamic monuments and its architectureprogressed in Deccan and later in the Rayalaseema region. It brings themonuments (mosques, tombs and dargahs) into focus with a rich examination of itsarchitectural and geometrical patterns with their esoteric and philosophicalvalues, analyzing it is relation to the Adil Shahi, Qutb Shahi and Mughaltradition within which it was created. Copiously illustrated with colour plates,plans and maps, this is an essential book for anyone interested in Islamic artand architecture and is the perfect guide to the enthralling monuments ofRayalaseema.ISBN: 818561671X

Pages : 197
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