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  Airport Ground Navigation Systems

Airport Ground Navigation Systems

by Arjun Singh

  Price : Rs 2650.00
  Your Price : Rs 2385.00
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  There has been a lot of development in Airport Ground Navigation Systems over the last 20 years. Upcoming technologies and paradigms for difficult terrain civil and military applications, such as Transponder Landing System (TLS), Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) System, Siting Criteria of Airport Ground Navigational Systems (for constructing high-rise buildings in the vicinity of airports) are covered exhaustively for the first time in this book. Practical aspects of the various systems have been emphasized.

The book starts with basic concepts, such as modulation techniques, transmission lines and antenna theory. It then moves on to advanced topics of Non-directional Beacon (NDB), VHF Omni-range (VOR), Doppler VOR (DVOR), Instrument Landing System (ILS), and Microwave Landing System (MLS).

Airport Ground Navigation Systems provides a comprehensive reference of these topics as well as the various developments for air-traffic management engineers and skilled technicians of air navigation services. To help readers refresh concepts there are plenty of solved examples. Graduate and under-graduate students of air-traffic management will also find this book useful.

Table Of Contents

1. Modulation Techniques
2. Transmission Line and Microwave Devices Theory
3. Antenna Systems
4. Wireless Beacon System
5. Doppler Vor (DVOR) ISBN

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