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  The Concept of Integral Yoga : According to Sri Aurobindo

The Concept Of Integral Yoga : According To Sri Aurobindo

by S. Rajendran

  Price : Rs 400.00
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  Life is not like a watertight compartment divided into cognitive, affective and conative. It is a integral whole. Therefore, Yoga should have integral approach towards human life. Sri Aurobindo has cleared his philosophical pathway between the Denial of the Materialist and the Refusal of the Ascetic. This book on The Concept of Integral Yoga according to Sri Aurobindo will be of great help in understanding the synthetic nature of Sri Aurobindo`s yoga. The content is rich and the coverage is comprehensive. The exposition is very simple and direct. The general public will find it easy to understand the yogic perception of Sri Aurobindo. Prof. S. Rajendran has really done a yeoman service in the cause of synthesis of yoga by reconciling the one sided approaches of traditional yogas. My hearty good wishes and salutations to the author. - Dr Ramjee Singh (Ex. M.P. & Ex. V.C.)

About the Author
S. Rajendran is the Dean of Faculty of Arts, Annamalai University. He did his B.A. and M.A. in Philosophy in Annamalai University. In 1977, he joined the Department of Philosophy of Annamalai University as Lecturer. In 1986, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the University for his thesis on Sri Aurobindo. After serving as Reader from 1988 to 1998 he was promoted as Professor of Philosophy. As the Head of the Department, he is doing his best for the academic pursuits by promoting research in the department. As an editor, he has two books, `The Isha and Other Upanishads (Essays in the Interpretation of the Isha and Other Upanishads)`and `Isavasya Upanishad (Essays by Five Competent Scholars)` in his credit. He had conducted more than a dozen National and International seminars sponsored by U.G.C. and ICPR (Indian Council of Philosophical Research), New Delhi.ISBN 9788188934782

Pages : 177
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