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  Making Peace with the Earth :  Beyond Resource, Land and Food Wars

Making Peace With The Earth : Beyond Resource, Land And Food Wars

by Vandana Shiva

  Price : Rs 375.00
  Your Price : Rs 375.00
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  When we think of wars in our times, we think of Iraq and Afghanistan, but the bigger war is the on-going war against the earth. In fact, the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya can be seen as wars for the earth’s resources, especially oil. The war against the earth has its roots in an economy which fails to respect ecological and ethical limits – limits to inequality, to injustice, to greed.

Making Peace with the Earth bears witness to the wars taking place in our times against the earth and people. It also tells the stories of struggles to defend the earth and people’s rights to land and water, forests, seeds and biodiversity. It outlines how a paradigm shift to earth-centred economics, politics and culture is our only chance of survival.

ISBN - 9788188965755

Pages : 288
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