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  Mass Media Research: An Introduction

Mass Media Research: An Introduction

by Roger D. Wimmer, Joseph R. Dominick:

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  Quality media is the result of meticulous research. MASS MEDIA RESEARCH: AN INTRODUCTION, 9e, shows you how it happens-from content analysis to surveys to experimental research--then gives you expert tips on analyzing the media you encounter in your daily life. The Ninth Edition is packed with study tools and review aids to help you succeed in your course.1.New "An Inside Look" features replace the previous editions` "A Closer Look" boxes. Timely new topics include a look at the ethical propriety of a Northeastern University study that covertly monitored the cell phone use of 100,000 people outside the United States to study their travel patterns; the ethical dilemmas posed by "datamining" internet sites like Facebook for information on subjects; and the role of research in Amazon`s decision to offer customers product suggestions based on their book selections prior to checkout.
2.Additional "An Inside Look" features introduce readers to a free website called QUAID (Question Understanding Aid) from the University of Memphis that checks survey questions for potential problems; explore the use of COMPUTATIONAL HANDBOOK OF STATISTICS (Bruning/Kintz) for help in using Excel for conducting more complicated surveys; and suggest new technologies for measuring readership with RFID.
3.The text has been updated to emphasize the importance of research to the success of mass media outlets and to reflect how a lack of research has contributed to declining profitability. Factors considered include the impact of deregulation and industry consolidation on radio and the proliferation of alternative media like the iPhone and MP3 players.
4.Expanded coverage of online advertising and Internet research includes a special note on using online sources for data collection and surveys and a revised discussion of online methods of qualitative research, including: field observation, focus groups, intensive interviewing, ethnography, research blogs, and research communities.
5.Updates to the coverage of research and theory include: a revised treatment of online public relations research and new section about usability research; discussion of the problems of deceiving research participants; and additions to the code of ethics for researchers newly proposed by the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
6.Coverage of mass media research and the Internet, which was previously presented in a concluding chapter, has now been integrated as appropriate throughout to text to better reflect its impact on all aspects of the research process.
7.The authors` clear writing style makes this text ideal for introductory level courses in research.
8.Extensive discussion on hypothesis testing clarifies this fundamental research component.
9.The robust pedagogy includes chapter summaries to help students identify key concepts within each chapter and themed boxes that take readers "inside" the various research topics.
10.Substantial coverage is given to research ethics and qualitative research methods in print media, advertising, and public relations.
11.Authors maintain a website that includes a chapter on Media Effects, additional exercises and readings, and much more! www.wimmerdominick.com. ISBN 9788131516720

Pages : 476
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