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  Financial Management

Financial Management

by Chandra

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  Financial Management: Theory and Practice celebrates 27th year of its publication. Over these two and a half decades, Indian business and finance have considerably changed owing to deregulation, liberalisation, privatisation, globalisation, and the ascendance of the services sector. The book has kept pace with these changes and captures the central themes and concerns of corporate financial management”making it both contemporary and comprehensive.

New in this edition:
A new chapter titled Global Financial Crisis
12 new sections on various topics
12 new minicases
The accompanying CD contains:
Additional solved problems
Additional self-test problems
Excel spreadsheets
Over 20 supplementary notes on advanced topics

About the Author
Dr Prasanna Chandra, MBA and PhD in Finance, is Director of Centre for Financial Management (CFM), Bangalore.

Table of Contents

PART I: Introduction
1. Financial Management: An Overview
2. The Financial System
PART II: Financial Analysis and Planning
3. Financial Statements, Taxes, and Cash Flow
4. Analysis of Financial Statements
5. Financial Planning and Forecasting
PART III: Fundamental Valuation Concepts
6. The Time Value of Money
7. Valuation of Bonds and Stocks
8,. Risk and Return
9. Risk and Return: Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing Models
10. Options and Their Valuation
PART IV: Capital Budgeting
11. Techniques of Capital Budgeting
12. Estimation of Project Cash Flows
13. Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting
14. The Cost of Capital
15. Capital Budgeting: Extensions
PART V: Long Term Financing
16. Market Efficiency and Financing Decisions
17. Sources of Long Term Finance
18. Raising Long Term Finance
PART VI: Capital Structure and Dividend Decisions
19. Capital Structure and Firm Value
20. Capital Structure Decision
21. Dividend Policy and Firm Value
22. Dividend Decision
PART VII: Working Capital Management
23. Working Capital Policy
24. Cash and Liquidity Management ISBN

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