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  Computer Forensics and Investigations

Computer Forensics And Investigations

by Amelia Phillips

  Price : Rs 499.00
  Your Price : Rs 424.15
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  Master the skills necessary to launch and complete a successful computer investigation with the updated edition of this highly successful book, Computer Forensics and Investigations. This text will teach readers how to conduct a high-tech investigation, from acquiring digital evidence to reporting its findings. Coverage includes how to set up a forensics lab, how to acquire the proper and necessary tools, and how to conduct the investigation and subsequent digital analysis. The comprehensive coverage and detailed know-how led to the book being listed as recommended reading by the FBI Forensics Communications the United States Certified reading room. The book features free downloads of the latest forensic software, so students become familiar with the tools of the trade. This book includes a DVD, which contains student data files and free software demo packages for use with activities and projects in the chapters.

Key Features

Provides step-by-step explanations on how to use the most popular forensic tools.
Maps to the objectives of the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS) certification to provide credible, standards-based information..
Updated to include coverage of the latest technology including PDAs, cell phones, and thumb drives.
Free software works with running case studies, giving readers the opportunity to test their new skills and tying the content to professional practice
ISBN 9788131507773

Pages : 488
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