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  Power System Capacitors

Power System Capacitors

by Ramasamy Natarajan , Natarajan Natarajan

  Price : Rs 625.00
  Your Price : Rs 531.25
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  Book Summary of Power System Capacitors
Since transmitting reactive power over long distances is not feasible, power systems integrate power factor correction capacitors to provide local reactive power compensation. With a wide range of options available and with the tremendous changes that have occurred over the past few decades, a comprehensive, up-to-date book on power factor capacitors is long overdue. Power System Capacitors fills this void by providing the fundamentals, applications, protection issues, and system impacts for a broad spectrum of capacitor applications. Power System Capacitors guides you through the practical installations with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions. The author describes the fundamentals of capacitors focused on the power factor correction, industry standards, capacitor specifications, protection of shunt capacitors, maintenance of capacitor banks, and system impact issues. He also discusses the selection of supporting equipment such as fuses, circuit breakers, and surge arresters; includes more than 290 illustrations, 90 tables, and 400 equations; and explains how to perform an economic analysis. Offering up-to-date computer-aided analysis approaches along with fundamental concepts, maintenance concerns, and economic analysis, Power System Capacitors steers you through the selection, design, installation, and maintenance of power factor correction capacitors used in modern power systems. This is a valuable tool for any power system engineer in industry, utilities, consulting, and practical power system eval ISBN

Pages : 576
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