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  Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Markers: Their Role in Improv

Plant Tissue Culture And Molecular Markers: Their Role In Improv

by Ashwani Kumar, N.S. Shekhawat

  Price : Rs 2495.00
  Your Price : Rs 2120.75
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  Plant tissue culture techniques help in understanding basic life processes and their proper understanding is essential for improving crop productivity. Besides, recently molecular biology has assumed great importance with respect to plant biotechnology. The present book amalgamates all three aspects into one, practical applications of various techniques being the need of the hour.
It discusses micropropagation studies on several crop plants, molecular basis of understanding various life processes including molecular basis of somatic embryogenesis and other physiological and biochemical processes having significant biotechnological applications. It also includes in vitro studies of some important plants like Aloe vera, Simmondsia chinensis, Anacyclus pyrethrum and Crataeva nurvala, Arachis hypogaea L., Phoenix dactylifera, Dendrocalamus asper, Asparagus adescendens Roxb., natural products of plant origin with their therapeutic potential and biotechnological production, genome analysis of crop plants with future applications in biotechnology etc. ISBN 9788189866105

Pages : 714
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