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  The Knowledge Entrepreneur ( with CD Rom )

The Knowledge Entrepreneur ( With Cd Rom )

by Colin Coulson - Thomas

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 355.50
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  In most companies knowledge management has focused almost exclusively upon the packaging of existing knowledge. Its exploitation has taken a back seat, while relatively little effort has been devoted to creating the additional know-how needed to innovate, discover and create additional customer and shareholder value. The Knowledge Entrepreneur is a unique title that has been designed to help readers boost revenues and profit by significantly improving the performance of existing activities and creating new offerings that generate additional income. It shows how practical knowledge-based job-support tools can transform work group productivity, and reveals the enormous scope for addressing contemporary problems such as `information overload` with imaginative responses. Packed with information, this title is the first of its kind and puts a whole new ˜spin` on knowledge management. It offers truly practical information to help the reader create, manage and profit from knowledge.

ISBN 9780749442354

Pages : 256
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