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  Electrical Machines

Electrical Machines

by Imtiaz Ashraf, M.A. Mallick

  Price : Rs 575.00
  Your Price : Rs 488.75
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  The contribution of Electrical Machines is enormous in the present technological world.

A number of new variants of basic machines have been developed in the past years and new topologies have emerged such as permanent magnet machine, reluctance machine, brushless DC. machines and linear machines. Apart from the design and basic structure of machines, their control algorithm is another aspect where effort is being made worldwide. Nevertheless the basic underlying principle of operation remains more or less same for all types of machines. It is this fundamental concept where emphasis is being put in the present textbook.

Spread in 12 chapters the book broadly describes:
¢ Fundamental concepts of rotating machine
¢ Properties and behavior of various magnetic materials
¢ Principle of electromechanical energy conversion
¢ Principle of operation of generators and motors.
¢ Transformers, their types and the underlying operating principle
¢ A.C. and D.C. machines and their types
¢ Constructional features of A.C. & D.C. machines
¢ Single phase machines
¢ Industrial applications of A.C. and D.C. drives
¢ Experiments ISBN: 9789380026091

Pages : 528
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