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  Digital Communications and Signal Processing

Digital Communications And Signal Processing

by Vasudevan, K.

  Price : Rs 850.00
  Your Price : Rs 722.50
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  The additional topics covered in the second edition are:
1. Computing the average probability of error for constellations having nonequiprobable symbols (Chapter 1).
2. Performance analysis of differential detectors in Rayleigh flat fading channels (Chapter 1).
3.Synchronization techniques for linearly modulated signals (Chapter 4).

The additional C programs that are included in the CDROM are:
1. Coherent detection of multidimensional orthogonal constellations in AWGN channels (associated with Chapter 1).
2. Noncoherent detection of multidimensional orthogonal constellations in AWGN channels (associated with Chapter 1).
3. Coherent detection of M-ary constellations in Rayleigh flat fading channels (associated with Chapter 1).
4. Coherent detection of QPSK signals transmitted over AWGN channels. Here, the concepts of pulse shaping, carrier and timing synchronization are involved (associated with Chapter 4).

Many new examples have also been added.

The book is well suited for a senior undergraduate to a graduate level course in communications theory. The accompanying CD-ROM containing C program on Viterbi algorithm, shell mapping and turbo codes will aid the student in understanding these topics better.

ISBN :9788173717109

Pages : 344
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