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  Emerging Trends in Financial Services: Challenges and Opportunities

Emerging Trends In Financial Services: Challenges And Opportunities

by Dr. B. Vijayalakshmi

  Price : Rs 1195.00
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  The Indian economy is experiencing heightened growth momentum across sectors. Strong industrial output, robust corporate performance and growth in the services sector clearly point to the depth and dynamism of the economy. India, today, is at the top of a paradigm change in her position in the world. The economic development of any country is reflected by the progress of its various constituents of which a very important one is the country`s financial system. Financial service is the largest industry in the world in terms of earning. In India the economic reforms initiated in 1991 have paved the way for integration among various segments of the markets facilitating transmission of impulses across markets, easing liquidity management, thereby enabling more efficient resource allocation across the economy. The experience from the financial crisis highlights the importance of understanding and regulating the financial markets and the innovations in the financial products, in the interest of sustaining growth with stability. There is much that we need to know about their functioning, the best practices that underpin the creation of new financial products and the related oversight issues, so as to promote financial stability for sustained growth. In this context, the present volume is brought out from the scientific deliberations of experts who shared their thoughts on various issue related to financial services during a two day National conference on Emerging Trends on financial Services: Challenges and OpportunitiesĀ organized at Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, (Womens` university),Tirupati on 25th and 26th August, 2011. This book would certainly be useful to the students, scientists, administrators, planners, economists and more importantly to the banking sector. isbn 9788183875332

Pages : 392
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