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  Women"s Rights

Women"S Rights

by Natasha Thomsen

  Price : Rs 995.00
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  Women`s Rights is part of the Global Issues series, which is designed to be a first-stop resource for research on the key challenges facing the world today. Each volume contains three sections, beginning with an introduction that clearly defines the issue, following by detailed case studies of the issue`s impact in the United States and several other countries or regions. The second section draws together significant U.S. and international primary source documents, and the third section gathers useful research tools-such as biographies, facts and figures, an annotated bibliography, and more. A foreword written by an expert in the field complements each volume. A chronology, glossary, and index provide additional help.

The issues women face at the dawn of the 21st century are as daunting and complex as ever, covering the range from affirmative action and service in active combat, to educational rights, reproductive rights, sexual harassment, religious leadership roles, and more.

Women`s Rights examine the history and the current status of women`s rights in the United States and abroad, namely Denmark, China, Afghanistan, and Kenya. This volume highlights the means by which women challenge their respective situations and effect change within their countries. With access to means of global communication such as the Internet, many of these movements can now look to each other as a source for what to do or avoid to implement positive change.

ISBN 9788130914268

Pages : 416
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