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  Spectrum`s Objective English - for All Competitive Examinations

Spectrum`S Objective English - For All Competitive Examinations

by Na

  Price : Rs 400.00
  Your Price : Rs 372.00
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  990 plus pages structured in a user-friendly mode to help candidates of various competitive examinations.
Basic essential review of grammar and usage.
Extensive vocabulary lists.
Numerous worked examples and comprehension passages.
Shortcuts and Tips on how to avoid pitfalls.
Fast-track methods for selecting the correct answer quickly and saving time.
Wide range of Practice Questions covering all types of multiple choice items commonly asked in examinations-including the latest types.
Selection of questions from various examinations incorporated in relevant units.
Detailed explanatory notes with most answers to elucidate and provide additional information.
Solved test papers from a cross-section of recent-2010-11—examinations to help readers get a feel of the examination and for vital self-assessment.


Most competitive examinations include a Test of English Language (or a Test of Communication Skills). And most of these tests comprise objective type questions, more specifically, multiple choice questions. They test the candidates’ comprehension and knowledge of English. Obviously, candidates must have a good grasp of grammatical usage and an extensive vocabulary. At the same time, any examination can be tackled better by candidates if they are familiar with the type of questions usually set in the examinations and have good practice in answering such questions. This book has been designed keeping in mind the two basic needs of the candidates—a thorough grounding in the subject and adequate practice at answering the right kind of questions.

The book has been divided into three broad units.

Learning Curve I provides basic information relating to grammar and vocabulary. Essential Grammar Review takes the readers through the fundamental aspects of grammatical usage, focusing on those areas which seem difficult to most students of the language and highlighting the ‘pitfalls’ that need to be avoided—all the while keeping in mind the areas that examiners love to test. Essential Vocabulary Review gives fairly exhaustive lists of words-synonyms and antonyms, confusing words with their subtle differences in meaning, words that substitute for many others, idioms and phrases; besides, these words are illustrated in sentences so that readers get a clear idea of their meaning and correct usage.

learning Curve II the longest unit—is all about applying one’s knowledge and improving one’s proficiency. This can be done by answering a variety of the right kind of questions, checking their answers and thereby assessing one’s ability. This unit covers all the common question types in their variety of formats (including the recent innovations) so far set in a number of competitive examinations. Systematically arranged under five section heads, the practice exercises comprise questions modelled on examination trends and are arranged in manageable sets to enable readers to work steadily without lapse of concentration.

The part on Correctness of Sentences has a special overview of ‘Error Spotting Strategies’ that will prove immensely useful to readers before they attempt the exercises on spotting errors in sentences, improving sentences, or choosing the correct sentence. The section on Vocabulary covers a variety of questions relating to words and their meaning and usage. The section on Sentence Completion gives a wide range of questions on finding the correct word/words to fill in the blanks. The section on Word and Sentence Order takes the reader through the intricacies of arranging words in different types of sentences and re-arranging fragments into sentences, and sentences into paragraphs. The section on Cbmprehension has several passages to test readers’ understanding of meaning and usage, besides discussing strategies to tackle these passages quickly and correctly.

The practice exercises under each section are preceded by an ‘Orientation’ that familiarises the reader with the question formats and gives worked examples. As this book is meant primarily for those preparing for tests with mpltiple choice questions, the ‘Orientation’ also mentions ‘shortcuts’ that can help candidatqs choose an answer quickly—wherever such shortcuts are possible and can work withotft compromising accuracy.

Each section also has a selection of questions drawn from various competitive examinations to illustrate the kind of questions that are set.

Answers to all the practice exercises have been provided so that readers may check how well they have mastered English language usage; accompanying most" of the answers are explanatory notes that provide further information even as they elucidate the answer.

Learning Curve III-comprises a large number of solved test papers. These are test papers set in various examinations. They have been provided by candidates and are based on their memory. This unit is designed to give the readers a ‘feel’ of the actual examination. If the readers answer these test papers within set time limits, they can assess their standard. They can always hone their skills further.


Pages : 928
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