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  Predictions through Horary

Predictions Through Horary

by Dr. S C Kursija

  Price : Rs 252.00
  Your Price : Rs 252.00
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  Many books on Horary Astrology are available in the Market. The author of this book does not claim to present something totally new to the readers, but readers would certainly find the book more useful because the books which are in the market are more or less translation of classical works. The classical books were written thousands of years ago, some principles of which may not relevant to modern works. There were villages, small Kingdoms and the main profession was agriculture depending on weather. So our savants of Astrology had written their books to meet the requirements of those days. The author has presented the book to solve the present day problems.

The interpretations of signs, bhavas and the planets in this book are somewhat different from that of classical books, though they are based on classical works. The author has taken the principles of Predictive Astrology combined with Tajik and Transits to time the events. Tajika shastra gives clear enunciations regarding the results of retrograde, combust and debilitated planets which in turn gives good results in solving the query and timing the events.

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